Southwest China's Pu'er City, famous for its tea, is trying to conquer the coffee market.
Outside the courtyard of Wang Zhongxue's home in the city's Dakaihe Village, coffee plants cover some seven hectares of land. This year, Wang harvested about 100 tonnes of coffee fruit.
"I didn't know that our land could grow coffee until 1992, when I met Old Wang," he said. "We used to grow corn and mangos, and our family could hardly make ends meet. Thanks to Old Wang, who taught us how to grow coffee, we can lead a prosperous life."
"Old Wang" is actually Dutch agronomist Maarten Warndorff, the first foreign expert sent by food and beverage giant Nestle to Pu'er. The company, which started growing coffee in Yunnan in 1988, has sent groups of experts, including six foreigners, to Pu'er to offer technology and training to 16,000 farmers.......